Through our business consulting in Willow Grove, PA, we help with book keeping, including suggested courses of action related to their business needs such as:
- Lease vs. buy decisions,
- Investigations of financial anomalies or suspected fraud,
- Cash flow problems, and,
- Bookkeeping services.
Our services also include:
- Reports to regulatory agencies including the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC),
- Assistance to legal counsel and expert testimony concerning financial and accounting aspects of litigation (including calculating monetary damages, lost income and compounded interest), and,
- Business valuations for the sale of businesses, business succession planning, stock valuation and divorce matters.
A professional accounting team, with international experience will bring you high end expert service in Willow Grove, PA. EALG & S, PC will take care of everything, from book keeping, archiving, accounting, tax consulting and taking care of you accounts.
We offer a 24 hour line for consulting free of charge in our golden package. Our service is highly confidential as is our client list.
We Help You Focus
Why should you be stacked in administration and accounting work. Our business consultants take the burden off your shoulder's and help you focus on what really matters to get your business growing.
With our archiving capacities and constant education of our business consultants, monitoring ever changing regulations and global finance requirements we are sure we can be a valuable ally in your expansion with a business consulting services.