We provide expert financial reporting services to our clients every day including:
- Financial Reporting Compilations, which are limited to presenting information in the form of financial statements (including balance sheets, income statements, statements of changes in equity and cash flow statements) and supplementary schedules (such as schedules of expenses, works in progress, investments).
- Reviews which are mostly inquiries of client personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data. It's much smaller in scope than the examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
- Financial audits are performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States. These standards require that we plan and perform a financial audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether financial statements are free of material misstatements.
EALG & S, PC doesn't provide any financial reporting services for publicly held companies and nor does it perform financial audits for entities under the United States Government's "Yellow Book."
If you, your business or non-profit organization in the Willow Grove area are interested in any of these services, or an accounting service that's not included, call Ehrlich, Alexander, Leibowitz, Gold and Schwartz today at 215-830-0110. We can discuss your situation, your needs and how we can help.
We provide expert accounting and tax services to our clients every day. We answer questions, provide information, advice and services that can help their bottom lines and keep them out of tax trouble. We can do the same for you too. It all starts with a phone call